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Costco Canada Flyer sales & Costco sale Items April 20th – 26th 2020 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada

I walk the whole store for you every Monday when Costco Sale items and Costco Flyer sales are released for the week, then post them here and on our Facebook page.

Want to see what might be on sale next week??? Click the picture below to see what was on sale last year at Costco!

Costco East sales April 29th - May 5th 2019

NEVER MISS A POST! Join the Costco East Facebook group to get updated whenever I make a new post!
ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here!

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Hello and happy sunny Monday Costco shoppers!

First off, my heart goes out all those in Nova Scotia right now. It’s hard to know what to say but I am thinking of you all, and hoping you are all safe.

Nova Scotia flag

Right, a sunny day.

At least if you had to wait in line for a little bit today you had the sun on your side! (Hopefully it’s going to stay on our side from this point on!)

Speaking of waiting in line there’s a website you can go to and check the wait times of line-ups at Costco, which could also be very handy in planning your trips.

Check it out here at

From what I’ve seen it does require some user input to be effective (you can update the wait time while you’re in line, and the store managers can as well) so check it out, but I’d say use it as an estimate, kind of like the Google “popular times” chart. A good way to figure out when it might not be as busy.

Costco wait times

So there ya go, a few tools to help you plan your trip. (And during these crazy COVID-19 days planning your outings to avoid crowds is awesome!)

Speaking of planning your trip, lets take a quick peek at the Costco sales happening this week.

Pedigree vitality dry dog food 22.7 kg -7.00 @ $29.99

Whiskas dry Cat food 11.6 kg -5.00 @ $22.99

Fila cotton socks 6pk. mens sizes 10-13 -2.50 @ $8.99

Cole Haan no show liner sock 6pk ladies sizes 6 – 9.5 -4.00 @ $5.99

Folding wagon 300lb capacity steel frame -16.00 @ $68.99

Lifetime folding picnic table 6ft. -40.00 @ $139.99

Kellytoy 16″ squishmallows -3.00 @ $9.99

Haggar linen blend shirt mens size S – XXL -7.00 @ $12.99

RX bar protein bars 14x52g -5.00 @ $18.99

Martha Stewart percale cotton sheets King size 4pc. -10.00 @ $39.99

That’s only a small portion, but as you can see there is quite a range of different sale items on this week. Summer stock is starting to appear & I had a brief glimpse of some flowers being brought in, meaning the garden center is nearing it’s opening time (though I guess we’ll see how COVID-19 affects that opening, I honestly don’t know folks… But I”m hopeful as always!)

Speaking of gardening, thank you for all your comments about the flower beds!

We have been looking forward to having the space to grow some of our own food for a while now, so having the chance to finally get it started (and finished!) has felt great! I know that I’ll have to add some wire fencing over/around it to keep the deer and rabbits away, but we’ve still got some time as we haven’t planted any seeds yet!

Since we’re relatively new to this we wanted to stick to some easier veggies, so I think one bed will mostly be lettuce and some herbs (cilantro, chives, basil; though that may go in the other one with the tomatoes) Then once we get the hang of it… And I hope we get the hang of it… We can move on to some more! As potatoes are a commonly loved ingredient around here we would love to grow those, along with garlic and onions. Any tips on growing those???

Sort of on the same subject-ish of doing “homegrown & homemade” and despite the fact that our town is void of all things labelled “yeast” or “Fleishmans yeast” I have been wanting to attempt a gluten free rosemary/olive loaf… No yeast, no problem! (sort of.)

So this turned out pretty dense, as you can likely tell. Delicious still, but dense.

I’d read that in a pinch you can substitute lemon juice and baking soda for yeast, and while I’m sure this helped a bit it didn’t have the effect I was looking for. It turned out a bit like Irish soda bread, with an Italian flavor. Had it risen, I feel it’d have been fantastic!

Oh well, I guess when the Yeast portion of the panic buying is over I’ll get into some more baking.

Toilet paper, Water, Yeast & Hair color. The Four Horsemen of the Covid-ocalypse… Go figure.

Well folks, I think it’s time to retire. We’ve eaten dinner, cleaned up, and are getting ready for bed… The new season of Bosch is out now so I suspect that an episode or 2 of that is in order before bed, I mean something new to close out the day? Not a bad thing at all!

Ok, Good night folks. Stay safe and Healthy.

See you soon!

Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.

If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.

***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***

The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!

Costco East F.A.Q.

Costco East sales april 13th - 19th 2020

Costco East sales April 29th - May 5th 2019Costco West fan blog Costco Northwest fan blog

Costco Gas Bar Prices (CLICK THE LINK)

Costco Flyer Sales April 20th – 26th 2020

Costco Flyer sales April 20th

Costco Kingston Meat Department sales April 20th – 26th 2020

Costco Treasure hunt sales April 20th – 26th 2020

Written by Costco East


Leave a Reply
  1. Thank you. I am so glad to see those Off Lantern refills back for another year.

  2. Thank you. Your bread sounds lovely. I have been gluten-free for thirteen years but have been too afraid to try to bake bread.

  3. Love getting this weekly. I have a question….where have the women’s Santana jeans gone? I have looked for them the last couple of times I’ve been to Costco. Are they no longer available? Please say it isn’t so! 😢

  4. Once again, the trifecta of Tuesday mornings….
    in my jammies, coffee in my left hand, your blog in my right. What more could I ask for? Lol
    If you’re looking for some really good gardening tips (& other great stuff) may I recommend the only other blog I follow (besides yours of course!)
    “The Art of Doing Stuff” by Karen Bertelsen in Dundas. She has a community garden where she grows everything and has a lot of practical knowledge. I think you would really enjoy it. She’s funny and swears a lot.
    Thank you for mentioning the tragedy in Nova Scotia. My heart breaks a little more every time I think about it.
    Take care, Jan

  5. Thank you so much for continuing to bring us your much appreciated blog. It’s always great to see all of the goodies on sale at Costco.

    I sure hope the garden centers will be open this year. I enjoyed looking at your raised garden beds, well done. It will be interesting to get updates on your garden. I sure would put up a chicken wire fence over it to keep munchers and snackers out.

    Has anyone ever tried making wine from those kits they sell? How easy is it and how does it taste? Thanks for the info. Stay safe everyone! 😷 😷 😷

    • Hi Layla, I called my Burlington Costco to inquire about if/when their garden center would be opening and was advised that a decision had not yet been made. Retail greenhouses in my area aren’t actually open to the public but are providing “curbside” pickup. Maybe we’ll see some kind of modified shopping like that since many plants will have already been started in greenhouses before the world changed. 🤞

      • Thanks for the reply Jan. I was thinking that too, many plants were started prior to the quarantine. I think it could be done, allow very few people into the garden center then quickly pick up what you want. I think most of us know what we would like to have in advance. Perhaps they could have a cashier station outside under a tent, open up those back gates and no need to even go in the store. Problem solved 🙂

  6. Hi, I wanted to let you know there is anti abortion ads on your site…

  7. Thank you so very much for continuing this wonderful service during such a difficult time.

  8. OK first and most importantly, Bosch! Can we just say how it is such a good show!! I started watching it almost 2 weeks ago and I am already on season 3!! Years ago I was a fan of Michael Connelly, so add the acting to his writing, how had I never heard of this show till now?!?!
    Anyway! A tip for planting garlics, plant the bulbs in late fall, I usually do mine in November.
    I am encouraged that you saw flowers! Will keep a watch out for the garden centre!

    Thanks for your blog, always love checking out the deals. Might have to get a set of those farmhouse bins! I’m missing shopping at homesense, would usually be checking out the outdoor planters by now.

  9. Hey Jennifer, those galvanized tubs look cool eh? I saw them on for $50 a few weeks ago and was lusting after them back then! I haven’t been in my warehouse for over 6 weeks and my spidey shopping senses are tingling! Maybe I just *might*
    phone first to see if they’re even available first?

    • Thanks Jan, good suggestion!
      Let me know if you get them, I will do likewise

  10. Hi – Can you fix the dates in your coupon heading at the start (Costco Flyer Sales April 20th – 26th 2020) – they are all valid until May 3rd – see the fine print. No need to rush out and buy these items!

  11. Thanks for your blog. It really helps me plan my shopping. My local Costco had the L’Oreal Root touch up spray – 3 pack for $24.99 which is a good price and kind of useful if you can’t get hair color. Also Santana jeans were on sale for $6.97.

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garden box

Costco Canada Weekend Update April 18th 2020 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada

Costco Canada Flyer sales & Costco sale Items April 27th – May 3rd 2020 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada