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Costco Canada Weekend Update July 24th 2020 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada

Welcome to the Costco Weekend Update where I’ll keep you all in the loop on the awesome sales Costco releases for the Weekend! I’ll post them here and on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.

Did you miss Monday’s Treasure hunt post? Click here to see what you may have missed!

Want to see what might be on sale next week??? Click the picture below to see what was on sale last year at Costco!

costco East sales July 29th - Aug 4th 2020

NEVER MISS A POST! Join the Costco East Facebook group to get updated whenever I make a new post!
ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here!

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Happy weekend Costco friends and family!

Amazing how fast July has seemed to fly by (as it always seems to do) But there is still about a week left to take advantage of all the sales that were taking place until August 2nd, so if there’s anything you want to stock up on in those monthly deals better do it soon! (I need new tires, so I’m going to look after that next week while I can still get a $100 Costco shop card!)

Last week for the Huggies sale too, so time to stock up folks!

A few more new ones…

Ultrabrite LED dome desklamp -$12.00 @ 47.99

Samsung smart QLED “55 TV -$100 @ 1089.99

Kirkland signature 12V lawn/garden battery -$10.00 @ 43.99

Connie’s kitchen feta & spinach chicken sausages 1.1kg -$3.50 @ 9.99

L’Oreal men expert Hydra Energetic 2 x 48ml -$4.00 @ 13.99 (to read my review of this product follow this link!)

It seemed like Costco was a little more chaotic than normal today, I guess with provinces easing restrictions people are feeling alot more like its back to normal.

I don’t quite feel that way yet.

I feel like we have a chance to not repeat the mistakes our neighbors to the South made just by hanging on to a few of the restrictions a little longer… That being said I’m no medical professional, just my own opinion.

So on that note when I saw face shields at our Costco here (10-pk for 19.99, not too shabby!) I grabbed one. And same with the PSP spray hand sanitizer (8pk for 19.99)

Just to be safe & add back into the emergency kit… And bring to work.

Which is going pretty smoothly & yes I am slightly surprised by that. Most people are respectful of the rules, putting the masks on until you’re at the table. Putting them back on when you get up. But there are always exceptions… Families who want to move tables around when they’re told not to, people getting up from a table to use their phone with no mask on, not bringing masks with them. But generally it’s really well behaved, and I can only hope we keep that up!

As we are all getting back to normal I think it’s important to remember that we’re not out of the weeds yet, and each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province. Information can be found at the following websites.

Ontario COVID-19 information

Quebec COVID-19 information

Newfoundland COVID-19 information

P.E.I. COVID-19 information

New Brunswick COVID-19 information

Nova Scotia COVID-19 information

So there you go, a little reading material for you.

Have a great weekend folks, stay safe and healthy & I’ll see you in a few days with a new batch of fresh sales from Costco!

OH and don’t forget you can always order online from if you don’t feel like heading into to your local warehouse! A great way to beat the line-ups and stay very socially distanced form everyone!

Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.

If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.

***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***

The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!

Costco East F.A.Q.

Costco East sales July 20th - 26th 2020

costco East sales July 29th - Aug 4th 2020Costco West fan blog Costco Northwest fan blog

Costco Gas Bar Prices (CLICK THE LINK)

Costco Kingston Meat Department sales July 24th 2020

Costco Meat department

Costco Weekend Update sales July 24th 2020

Written by Costco East


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  1. Thank you so much — a few items I want to pick up now!!!

  2. Thanks again for all you do! I hope everyone smartens up and follows the rules in your restaurant and elsewhere because you’re right – this isn’t over and won’t be for a while. The longer people flout the rules and put everyone at risk, the longer it’ll go on. My favourite café up the street is only open for pickup and the owner says he plans to do that for the foreseeable future because he knows some people won’t do what they’re supposed to and he doesn’t want to have to “police” people and refuse them entry if they won’t follow precautions. It takes so few to mess it up for so many. Best of luck in your restaurant!

  3. I gotta say I’m really liking these monthlong savings since I’m “trying” to only go every other week. No need to rush in for a good buy that’s about to expire and not break my own personal rule of avoiding weekend shopping.
    Next week I’m going to grab a pile of that KFI butter chicken sauce to stock up my pantry. However, even at the regular price, it’s way better than my grocery store and soooo delish!
    Cheers & chill & THANKS 😷!

  4. Haven’t made it in for my weekly visit yet, hope to get there tonight before closing.
    Was just downtown at Mio, felt very uncomfortable as most people around me, while I waited outside with my mask on, had no masks on and they were not keeping their distance. Drove home along King and the pier was packed, not a mask in sight… *sigh*
    it sounds a little better in your restaurant, hope you stay safe!
    Thanks for your efforts!

    • Hey Jennifer! Ya I’m work just across the street from Mio… Seems like there is always a line to get in there, and not too many masks. We’re pretty strict in the restaurant and have taken an “our way or the highway” approach, I don’t want to mess around with it and neither do any of my staff members.
      Hopefully you get to Costco OK, they’ve all got masks on in there!

  5. Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the update, much appreciated! I agree with Jan, I also like the month long sales.

    I’ll give you one of my shopping tips. During this very hot weather, I bring a medium soft sided cooler to put perishables in. I line the bottom with ice packs and some on the top as well. You can keep your water bottle and cooling towels in there too. Don’t want that ice cream melted before I get home.

    Stay safe everyone! 😎

    • Hey Layla, I do the cooler thing too! I like your idea of a towel but I think I’ll switch that to a facecloth wrung out in cold water then put in a sandwich baggie. It can even be frozen. My mom used to do that for us kids on car trips. Yesterday, I was so hot and tired after running a few errands, I remembered that trick and wished I had it with me. Thanks for the reminder! 🥵/🥶 lol
      Cheers & chill, Jan

      • Hey Jan,

        The cold facecloth in a baggie works well too. I just like my new cooling towel I purchased on Amazon. It’s light weight and quite long so you can drape it around your neck.

        See you back here in the morning 🙂 Cheers

  6. We order all our stuff through a local shopping service since we are both compromised health wise. Your web site has allowed us to shop the deals ‘virtually’, which has been a Godsend. Our shopper, Susan, brings the order based on our list and calls us if something is sold out. It’s nice not to have to work through the crowds or wait in line in the heat, but we sure miss our weekly visit to Costco. Hopefully they will find a treatment or vaccine for this terrible virus and we can all get back to normal. Keep up the good work.

    • Tim and Wendy hopefully you guys are doing OK! I can understand missing your weekly shop, I was missing my bi-weekly shop for a while there too. I’m glad this helps you out and hopefully it has helped out others as well, I think alot of people, compromised or not, are still thinking that limiting their shopping is a good idea and I agree with that.
      Vaccine hopefully by the years end… Fingers crossed!

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Costco Canada Flyer sales & sale Items July 20th – 26th 2020 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada

Costco Canada Flyer sales & sale Items July 27th – Aug 2nd 2020 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada