I walk the whole store for you every Monday when Costco Flyer sale & Secret Sale items are released for the week, then post them here and on our Facebook page.
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ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here! https://www.instagram.com/costco_east_fan_blog/
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I mean it almost felt like fall a few times, which even if the weather didn’t dictate that I would’ve known anyways by the HALLOWEEN display up and the costumes in the Costco aisles!
I mean, I’m thrilled by this development, I know others are not so excited to think about summer coming to a close but realistically we still have a few months. I’m just excited that’s all!
As most of you probably know I love pickled things of ANY kind, (the saltier and brinier the better!) and I passed by the Safie zesty garden medley last week, but today I snagged ’em
They are soooo good. The veggies are nice and crunchy, not soggy at all. They have a nice brine to them and; while I could take a bit more of that, they weren’t overpowering at all. And the spice, it’s perfect! (though my partner said “holy moly those are HOT!”) I found it to be just on the line of hot and “OH YEAH!” hot. Anyhow, if you see these bad boys in your aisles pick ’em up and give ’em a try, I may go back and buy up the rest of the stock here!
Ok, before I get excited about too many other things let’s take a preview of what Costco sales are happening this week.
Mmmmm, I can’t wait to get the B.B.Q. moved over to the new place so we can do some grilling on the back deck.
Speaking of the new place it is coming along, a little slower than I expected, but there was an interruption that caused a few days of delay. I won’t get into that one now, perhaps next week I’ll share that with you.
Regardless, we do have that one room all finished up and have stayed out here a few times. Did I mention assembling the IKEA bed? No I don’t think I did, I think that was done mid-week… Man, IKEA, I love the place and consider myself a decent IKEA furniture assembler so I decided to share with you (like it or not!) the assembly of the bedframe!
And then the 4 under drawers had to be done…. I did one of them and then thought “heck I’m gonna do the other 3 at the same time and start a timer and see how I do!” So I did
3 drawers in 31:57.52. I’d say that would qualify me for the IKEA assembly Olympics, and if there isn’t such a thing perhaps there should be.
IKEA and Costco… if only they could be right next door to each other. Actually that might be bad, I may spend all of my time and money at both places… Ya, maybe a bad call.
Even Dexter agrees that’s a bad idea!
So judgmental…
Well I feel like perhaps I’ve bored you long enough for the night, so I shall bid you farewell until next time.
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing www.cocoeast.ca with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!
Costco Flyer Sales Aug 12th – 18th
Costco Treasure hunt sales Aug 12th – 18th
Thank you very much P! I appreciate that. I’m happy to share all of those memories with you and look froward to it every week.. With all the Costco sales as well of course!
Yowza…. Costco AND Ikea?? My faves too! Are you maybe the kid I never had? Lol ?
“Mine” are about 10 minutes apart so doing both is easy peasy except Ikea at this time of year (back to school) is stupid crazy busy so it’s a no go for me. My fave is the “as is” section, I’ve scored some amazing deals there!
So cheers to a great week, don’t overdo it eh? Oh crap do I sound like a mother? And big thanks too!
Haha, well I guess you never know Jan. I don’t blame you, I feel the same and try and avoid certain retailers at certain time (like you said, back to school time… yikes!) 10 minutes apart huh??? |That is dangerous and like a whole day trip! As far as over-doing it??? It’s far too late for that, haha!
Thanks a million for all of your efforts, it is very much appreciated by all.
I love looking to see what goodies I will be buying this week.
Your beautiful new home is coming along nicely, under bed drawers are an awesome idea!
I meant to tell you last week, I have had a 55″ Samsung TV for 5 years now and I love it. Beautiful picture and no problems at all, very pleased with it.
Thank you very much Layla Bay! It is coming along, slowly but surely. Ya, the under bed drawers are a great idea, no more wasted space under the bed collecting dust! And so far the T.V. is great. I love it! Now I just need the matching Samsung sound bar and I’ll be good to go!
Ikea and Costco in one city would be fabulous. There is a Costco in my city, St. Catharines however Ikea is in Burlington. I do not get there often , maybe once a year if I am lucky, the husband knows that once I walk in the store he is there for at least 3+ hours. Now I need to congratulate you on the assembly time for the drawers. Well done! Would love a challenge type event, I consider myself a master Ikea (or any brand) assembler.
Thank you for your effort each week, look forward to seeing how your house and life are going and to see the fabulous snapshots of current Costco sales.
Thank you Toni-Marie! We are in the same boat kinda. We have a Costco here i KIngston, but the closest IKEA is in Ottawa and yes; whenever we go it is always 3+ hours… You just can’t take shortcuts, you gotta walk the entire store!
Thank you so much. Had it not been for your email I would not have known the Whiskas Cat Food was on sale this week and the sign above it at our location was empty. However, it did check out with the $6 off which you had indicated. I do not even have a cat but was buying it to take to a friend.
Btw, also meant to tell you that last week I bought some beef striploins (encouraged by your mention of $5 off) for the first time. Usually the packaging is waaay too big for 2 people but I decided to eat one and freeze the others. I spread it with a mixture of olive oil, dijon, garlic, rosemary & pepper, allowing it to come to room temp then bbq’d it, rested it for 10 min, then sliced thinly on
the diagonal. Wow that was some tasty tender steak… thanks! Also grabbed one of those self inflating sleep pads. It should be great for kid sleepovers and the price is right!
Mmmmm that sounds delicious Jan! Can you send some my way please??? Now that I have some freezer space I don’t have any excuses to not do the same thing!
That’s great Randy, I was looking at those ones, but ultimately went with the Samsung “55. I love it so far (at least in the limited viewing time we’ve had)
The sales shown here on this fan blog are from the Kingston warehouse, which may or may not be available in other Eastern Canada warehouses as stated above by the blogger, so I don’t understand your claim that “sales are not correct”. Maybe you should take the time to read the FAQ’s and other disclaimers before criticizing all the hard work that goes into this free weekly blog, which so many of us enjoy.
Hi Rick, these sales are taken at the Kingston, Ontario location. If you read the F.A.Q. page there will be some answers for you there. Thank you! https://cocoeast.ca/faq-new/
Thank you! You’re awesome!!
Aw, thanks Holagranola! I think you’re awesome for reading and enjoying the blog!
Thank you for sharing. Happy for you and family on building memories and IKEA furnitures at your new home 🙂
Thank you very much P! I appreciate that. I’m happy to share all of those memories with you and look froward to it every week.. With all the Costco sales as well of course!
Thanks so much. So helpful
Thank you Patricia, I’m glad you enjoy reading and hopefully you get some great sales as well!
Thanks so much for doing this every week when I’m sure it’s sometimes the last thing you fell like doing!
Thanks so much for doing this every week when I’m sure it’s sometimes the last thing you feel like doing!
You’re welcome Susan. I love doing this though, Costco is usually the first thing I like doing on Monday mornings! Thank you for reading and enjoying!
Yowza…. Costco AND Ikea?? My faves too! Are you maybe the kid I never had? Lol ?
“Mine” are about 10 minutes apart so doing both is easy peasy except Ikea at this time of year (back to school) is stupid crazy busy so it’s a no go for me. My fave is the “as is” section, I’ve scored some amazing deals there!
So cheers to a great week, don’t overdo it eh? Oh crap do I sound like a mother? And big thanks too!
Haha, well I guess you never know Jan. I don’t blame you, I feel the same and try and avoid certain retailers at certain time (like you said, back to school time… yikes!) 10 minutes apart huh??? |That is dangerous and like a whole day trip! As far as over-doing it??? It’s far too late for that, haha!
Thank you!!
You’re welcome, thank you for reading Terri!
I would LOVE it if Kingston had an IKEA!
I love how you included a picture of all the parts lol
Haha, thanks Jennifer. I couldn’t not include all the silly looking bits and pieces involved in the process!
Thanks a million for all of your efforts, it is very much appreciated by all.
I love looking to see what goodies I will be buying this week.
Your beautiful new home is coming along nicely, under bed drawers are an awesome idea!
I meant to tell you last week, I have had a 55″ Samsung TV for 5 years now and I love it. Beautiful picture and no problems at all, very pleased with it.
Thank you very much Layla Bay! It is coming along, slowly but surely. Ya, the under bed drawers are a great idea, no more wasted space under the bed collecting dust! And so far the T.V. is great. I love it! Now I just need the matching Samsung sound bar and I’ll be good to go!
Ikea and Costco in one city would be fabulous. There is a Costco in my city, St. Catharines however Ikea is in Burlington. I do not get there often , maybe once a year if I am lucky, the husband knows that once I walk in the store he is there for at least 3+ hours. Now I need to congratulate you on the assembly time for the drawers. Well done! Would love a challenge type event, I consider myself a master Ikea (or any brand) assembler.
Thank you for your effort each week, look forward to seeing how your house and life are going and to see the fabulous snapshots of current Costco sales.
Thank you Toni-Marie! We are in the same boat kinda. We have a Costco here i KIngston, but the closest IKEA is in Ottawa and yes; whenever we go it is always 3+ hours… You just can’t take shortcuts, you gotta walk the entire store!
Thank you so much. Had it not been for your email I would not have known the Whiskas Cat Food was on sale this week and the sign above it at our location was empty. However, it did check out with the $6 off which you had indicated. I do not even have a cat but was buying it to take to a friend.
I look forward to your email each week.
That’s great Pat! I’m sure your friend (and their cat!) appreciate your shopping efforts! I’m glad you read and enjoy the blog, thank you very much!
Btw, also meant to tell you that last week I bought some beef striploins (encouraged by your mention of $5 off) for the first time. Usually the packaging is waaay too big for 2 people but I decided to eat one and freeze the others. I spread it with a mixture of olive oil, dijon, garlic, rosemary & pepper, allowing it to come to room temp then bbq’d it, rested it for 10 min, then sliced thinly on
the diagonal. Wow that was some tasty tender steak… thanks! Also grabbed one of those self inflating sleep pads. It should be great for kid sleepovers and the price is right!
Mmmmm that sounds delicious Jan! Can you send some my way please??? Now that I have some freezer space I don’t have any excuses to not do the same thing!
That 55″ LG TV (B series) at $1298 is down $200 from a month or so ago-it is a terrific TV -highly recommend!
That’s great Randy, I was looking at those ones, but ultimately went with the Samsung “55. I love it so far (at least in the limited viewing time we’ve had)
Sales are not correct. Seems to be a hit and miss from whatever store you’re getting this info from.
The sales shown here on this fan blog are from the Kingston warehouse, which may or may not be available in other Eastern Canada warehouses as stated above by the blogger, so I don’t understand your claim that “sales are not correct”. Maybe you should take the time to read the FAQ’s and other disclaimers before criticizing all the hard work that goes into this free weekly blog, which so many of us enjoy.
Hi Rick, these sales are taken at the Kingston, Ontario location. If you read the F.A.Q. page there will be some answers for you there. Thank you!
Thank you! ?
You’re welcome, thank you for taking the time to read and enjoy Kim!
Thank you for taking your precious time to do this for us every week. Congratulations on your new home. Best wishes to you and your family.
Thank you very much Victoria, Best wishes to you as well! I hope you’ve had a great week!