
Natalie reviews: Au Pain Dore All Butter Croissants

Last week on the blog I reviewed the Costco Kirkland Signature Turkey Breast, Costco Reser’s Main St. Bistro Baked Scalloped Potatoes, Costco Zinetti Internationals Dan Dan Noodles and the Costco Kirkland Signature Gooey Cinnamon Roll.

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On a recent Costco trip, I saw this huge box of croissants and wanted to pick them up for weekend mornings at home!

The box comes with 30 croissants (not baked) and I paid $17.99 Canadian for the box, which isn’t cheap but also isn’t horrible for 30 croissants. I know a lot of people love the Kirkland Signature bakery croissants but you can’t get those warm out of the oven unless you buy a frozen case like these!

The croissants are really easy to bake. The only thing I found inconvenient was that I think the box I bought got warm and then was refrozen so the croissants were all stuck together, making it very difficult to remove just a few to bake. The croissants need to be kept frozen and I wouldn’t buy them unless you’re going right home after Costco. The best-before date is about seven months from when I bought them.

One croissant has 240 calories, 12 grams of fat, 26 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of fibre, four grams of sugar, five grams of protein and 290 milligrams of sodium. I like how butter it the second ingredient listed but I don’t know why they had to add soy flour. These contain wheat, milk, eggs and soy.

Fresh out of the oven these were really good. They were flakey, buttery and soft. I baked them for 22 minutes and they were perfect. I didn’t add anything to the croissants, just ate them plain and they were great that way. One thing I want to mention is I did drop some off for my mom and dad and they weren’t that impressed eating them the next morning. My mom said she didn’t find them flaky and it was more like eating a bun rather than a croissant, so maybe only bake as many as you’re going to eat right away.

Cost: 6.5/10

Convenience: 8/10

Nutrition: 0/10

Taste: 9/10

For more reviews check out my blog Costcuisine!


Written by Natalie


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  1. I’ve often thought about buying these since I love authentic croissants but decided it would be far to easy to just inhale them 🤤! I’m not sure I agree with you about the price, it works out to 60 cents a piece which is a heckuva lot less than the $3 ones at Cobs. However, the sizes and quality may vary.
    Thanks for your review 😁
    Btw, if anyone buys the already baked ones in the clamshell from Costco, they freeze really well. Just slice them horizontally, open them up and put into a freezer bag. Then when you want/need one, just pop a frozen one into the toaster, slather with butter and raspberry jam. Rinse and repeat 😝

  2. These are, by far, the best bake at home croissants we have bought. BUT the last 2 boxes we bought,most were stuck together. I ended up throwing out the remaining third of the box because I couldn’t get them apart in one piece. I don’t think the thawing from store to home would be long enough to affect them this badly. Definitely happened in transit.

  3. Hi: We buy these croissants all the time. Here are a few hints to make them really good. First, we only buy them during the cold weather so no risk of defrosting. Second, we always keep a cooler in our car when shopping for groceries as it keeps cold items cold. Third, let the croissants defrost a little on the baking sheet (about 20 minutes) before putting them in the oven and they will rise more. (If some of the croissants have stuck together, a little time on the counter before separating them will help.) Fourth, we only bake the amount we intend to eat that day. Finally, sometimes Costco puts the croissants on sale for an even better buy. Even at full price, 17.99 divided by 30 works out at 60 cents each — pretty cheap for an excellent croissant.
    Enjoy the rest of the box.

  4. Love mentioned above …keep cold in freezer bag…I separate into bags of six for large freezer…sit 20 minutes on counter to defrost…on a cookie sheet…then bake…reheat leftovers in oven for next day or two ..fantastic

  5. These are the best croissants I’ve tried, especially when you factor in the price! These rival premium bakery croissants for about 10th of the cost! I almost always have a batch in my freezer, especially when they go on sale! There was a time these were $10.99 on sale but these days are over… I would recommend these to anyone who doesn’t mind consuming a calorie or 2 extra 🙂 In fact, I used to have them even when I was on a limited calorie diet. One of those for breakfast kept me quite full till lunch!

    • Oh and I bake them at 325F on the top rack. I almost never defrost them, but I may try as suggested by Marie above. Sometimes I don’t even fully preheat the oven, just pop them in there for 30-35mins, for light or dark doneness.

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