Welcome to the Costco Weekend Sales Update where I’ll keep you all in the loop on the awesome sales Costco releases for the Weekend! I’ll post them here and on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.
Did you miss Monday’s Treasure hunt post? Click here to see what you may have missed!
Want to see what might be on sale next week??? Click the picture below to see what was on sale last year at Costco!
NEVER MISS A COSTCO WEEKEND SALES POST! Join the Costco East Facebook group to get updated whenever I make a new post! https://www.facebook.com/costcoeast/.
ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here! https://www.instagram.com/costco_east_fan_blog/
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Hello everybody, and happy weekend!
Before we dive into the usual stuff there’s some great news for those of you who are 60-64 and looking to get your first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as you’re able to book an appointment now to get it at select Costco pharmacies!
Right now it’s only at 6 Costco locations but it’s something! (Click this link to go to the booking page)
You better believe if I was in that age category I’d be booking my appointment ASAP!
Costco continues on it’s push to add new seasonal items to the aisles including all of your swimming pool re-opening needs from HTH.
Even just the thought of re-opening a swimming pool is exciting at this point of the year.
Also added this week were a few products to keep your vehicles (aquatic & landlocked) under covers. The summer car canopy 10″ x 20″ for $289.99 and the Typhoon waterproof boat covers (fits C, D & E sizes) for $129.99
Or perhaps you’re more of a lounge around the house kind of person? In that case get your deck pressure washed with the Husqvarna 3200 psi gas pressure washer ($469.99) and ready yourself for a lounge on the 5 piece cushioned cafe set ($749.99)
…The lounge around part sounds like it’s up my alley, though dangerous because bags of Cheetos crunchy Jalapeno cheddar were being blown out at $1.97 a bag… 1.97!!!
That was pretty close to my response, though I did more of a walk by then walk back… Then put a bag in my cart and walk away again. Only 1 bag though, I did not fill my cart like some kind of toilet paper hoarder. (Though I did contemplate 2 bags, if it were Flamin’ hot Cheetos I would have 100 percent bought every last bag.)
Looking at great deals on food that’s far better for you than Cheetos, and certainly a summer seafood staple the Olivia 680g bag of 20/30 Scallops is on sale for $4.00 off @ $10.99.
I do love scallops, especially wrapped in bacon…. Oh man… Or braised in garlic butter… Obviously I’m craving salty and rich fatty foods at the moment folks.
Sticking to salty and fatty foods, I saw this last week on sale and thought to myself… MMMmmmm deep fried foods….
So that led to wanting to ask if any of you have used this or any other deep fryer at home for that matter. I have slight concerns about the lingering smells of deep frying food and also the cleaning and disposal of used oil. As someone who used to clean commercial deep fryers twice a week I know how dirty they can get if not cared for properly so I’d also be curious to know if anyone has had any issues with that?
That leaves us with one last piece of business to attend to.
The toilet paper survey & One brand ran away with the win!
Out of 373 votes, the Kirkland Signature brand received the winning tally with 240 votes, followed by Charmin Ultra soft with 84 and Cashmere premium with 48… Caboo bamboo had zero votes!!!
So there you go folks, the toilet paper showdown is in the books. Next up the Marinara sauce showdown!
But that’s for another day folks, it was a crazy night at the restaurant and tomorrows brunch shift isn’t too far away. So I’ll leave you with the cat’s doing what I plan on doing in about 10 minutes.
Good night folks. See you on Monday for a fresh batch of delicious sales!
Since we are in the second wave of COVID-19 I think it’s important to remember that we’re not out of the corona virus weeds yet, and each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province. Information can be found at the following websites.
Newfoundland COVID-19 information
New Brunswick COVID-19 information
Nova Scotia COVID-19 information
So there you go, a little reading material for you.
Be kind, be safe and stay healthy!
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing www.cocoeast.ca with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!
Costco Gas Bar Prices (CLICK THE LINK)
Costco Flyer Sales March 1st – 14th 2021
Costco Weekend Update sales March 12th – 14th 2021

Haha hope you made like the kitties and Zzzzzz
I’ve been looking for Wow Butter at my local Costco for a while so hoping they have it back now that I see it is on sale. Thanks for sharing!
I did indeed Carla, and will actually get to sleep in tomorrow morning and am soooo looking forward to that!
Stay safe and healthy!
Hideeho there! Great news that (some) Costco pharmacies are giving the big V! Just curious how you found that out? It really wasn’t obvious on either the warehouse or pharmacy’s website nor under their Covid updates…. pretending to not know about it, I had to dig a bit. I’m certainly past that age group but I’ve passed on the info to others who might benefit from it. Not only are you a “shopping surrogate” and fun pollster, you can add public health advocate to your resumé! 😉
Thanks for the great work 🙏, Jan
Well thanks Jan, I always do my best to share and help and these days with COVID anything we can do to get to the other side of the tunnel is much needed!
I only really knew because I saw signs in my warehouse stating “covid-19 vaccine waiting area” placed by the pharmacy so obviously I had to look into it!
You stay safe Jan, you’ll be coming up soon I hope for the vaccine???
Well, I have a “significant” birthday next month so that’s supposed to mean I qualify May 1 🤞🙏😉
I’m trying to be true to my Covid mantra “slow down, stay safe, be kind”…. some days I manage all three! Other days…. 🙄.
Cheers, Jan
A “significant” birthday huh? So turning 40 then???
All we can do is try our best Jan, we can’t all be perfect everyday right?
Stay safe!