
Costco East Flyer Preview for May 30th to June 26th 2022

Join me for a preview of the Costco flyer sale preview for May 30th to June 26th 2022. I’ve posted the entire flyer so we can plan our shopping trips!

A nice little preview of the good things to come in June folks! (The full Flyer is available below, please scroll down to check it all out.)

So whether you’re looking to stock up on Crunchmaster multi-grain (and Gluten free!) crackers, (which we are) for $3.00 off June would be the time!

Maybe Cesar dog food is on the list for you and your little bestie?

Next month would be a good time to stock up. I know how Ewok feels when I run out of his his favorite food. (Fancy Feast)

If you’re just looking for a little self care and a mattress upgrade, perhaps the Sealy Posturepedic Hollycourt and T3 StylePlus hair dryer are more in your wheelhouse.

Seems like June has a lot of bases covered folks, I’m excited to see what else they have on sale!

Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.

If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.

***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***

Written by Costco East


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  1. Thank you for all that you do, in posting these Costco sales and flyers. I appreciate you.

    • You’re very welcome Elissa, thank you for reading and for the support!

  2. Wow! Thanks for that! Looks like Emily (I think that’s who was asking?) can get that T3 hairdryer at a discount. And now I’m rethinking the Pendleton blanket 🤔…..
    Hope everyone’s ok after that crazy storm yesterday. Our power was out for 8 hours but no damage other than a bunch of twigs all over the lawn. And peanut butter sammies 🥪 for supper! If anyone is a pb lover, ya gotta try Jif dark roast, soooo good 😋!
    Happy 2-4 weekend 💥 …. none in Hamilton 😠

    • Hey Jan, thank you! And you’re right, there ya go Emily!
      I’m glad you guys are OK, and didn’t have any damage. PB sammies for dinner? Sounds kinda like a fun evening!

  3. I always look forward to the new costco flyer in my e mail I get all excited to see it and won’t delete the flyef till the next one but my favorite ones when there is christmas out I love when it is Christmas at costco can’t wait till I go o costco again

    • Oh Maria, it’ll be Christmas at Costco before you know it! I’d bet by September they’ll have the Christmas items out.

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