Welcome to the Costco Weekend Update where I’ll keep you all in the loop on the awesome sales Costco releases for the Weekend! I’ll post them here and on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.
Did you miss Monday’s Treasure hunt post? Click here to see what you may have missed!
Want to see what might be on sale next week??? Click the picture below to see what was on sale last year at Costco!

NEVER MISS A POST! Join the Costco East Facebook group to get updated whenever I make a new post! https://www.facebook.com/costcoeast/.
ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here! https://www.instagram.com/costco_east_fan_blog/
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Hello and Happy Costco Weekend Update everyone!
It’s been a bit of a quiet week at the restaurant this week, but that’s OK with me. Why?
Well the 2020 Tim Hortons Brier Starts tonight, that’s why!
So with that in mind I know it’s going to be an absolute zoo for the next week, I’ll take the calm before the curling storm!
I will say that Costco was pretty busy this afternoon, and chaotic as well. People stopping in the middle of the aisle to talk, or cutting your cart off to hurry over to the end cap sale before you get there… Just one of those days I guess.
Kids Crocs have popped in for a visit for $19.99, as has Frozen II on Blu-ray for $24.89
UV skinz 3pc. kids swim suits are on sale for $14.99,
Children’s Advil for $11.99
Don’t forget that Huggies Diapers are still on sale this week! Stock up while you can folks, those Diaper sales don’t happen too often!
Has that Gas Bar link been working properly for everyone??? I’ve had a few readers comment that it was a broken link.
***Update*** Home from work now (12:40 a.m.) It was indeed a busy one, and had one or 2 interesting folks come in… All good, and perhaps stories for another time? Restaurant stories are the best but can get a little lengthy with details, and seeing as I’ve got to open the bar tomorrow morning and prep for a busy day, I think those stories can wait a little bit.
Cheers folks, Hurry Hard into Costco and get your weekend shopping done!
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing www.cocoeast.ca with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!
Costco Gas Bar Prices (CLICK THE LINK)
Costco Kingston Meat Department sales
Costco Weekend Update sales
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Dear Authur,
Thank you very much!
Have a great weekend.
Thank you as always Khalid, I hope you’ve had a great week so far! Mine has been busy, and I wouldn’t like it any other way!
Hi thank you so much for doing this. I’m just wondering, the cover picture of this week end update post shows the kids crocs but I dont see them in the post. Was just wondering about the other designs and price.
Hi Steph, yes sorry about that. I had a picture of the price tag but somehow it got deleted by accident… They were on sale for $19.99 sizes ranged from 1-12/13. AS for the other designs there were 2 or 3 but again, somehow got lost. Sorry about that…. When I’m there on Friday I’ll see if I can grab a few new shots!
Do you know if they have sales that start just on Friday and last till Sunday? I went on Thursday and saw the kids swimsuits for Regular price. If this is a regular occurrence, I’ll have to start shopping on Fridays instead!!! Thank you!
Hi Linh, the answer is yes/maybe/depends on each warehouse lol! The only weekly discounts that are consistent at each warehouse are the Monday to Sunday “coupons” that are posted on Costco‘s website and handed to you when you walk into your warehouse. Those kids swimsuits may or may not be marked down at your location this weekend. You can make note of the product number above and phone them. Or, if you really want them, buy them and keep your receipt with you for future visits and if they should go on sale, you may be able to get a refund of the difference if it’s within a reasonable (as determined by Customer Service) length of time. Each warehouse manager appears to have discretion over their own location’s markdowns. Hope that helps!
Hi Linh, Some sales do start on Thurs/Friday, yes. but usually not a great deal of them, I’ve found it’s between 35-50 sales on the weekend.
Thank s again so much for this! Have a great weekend – hope it’s just busy enough for you!
Thank you Susan C. It’s been a wild week so far (2 days, haha!) and it’s only gonna get busier!
IS that Dexter curling? lol
Haha, yes Dexter was curling and Ewok was loafing!
Wow! I just read a CTV news article about crazy long lineups at various Costcos across Canada and USA due to fears surrounding COVID-19, worse than Christmas and Black Friday. People are stocking up on toilet paper, bottled water, Lysol wipes!
I know, it’s crazy Jan! We were OK here in Kingston (at least when I went!) but it does seem people are stockpiling like crazy! My sister (who lives in Seattle) said that sanitizer was sold out EVERYWHERE except for 1 last pack at Home Depot.