I walk the whole store for you every Monday when Costco Sale items and Costco Flyer sales are released for the week, then post them here and on our Facebook page.
Want to see what might be on sale next week??? Click the picture below to see what was on sale last year at Costco!
NEVER MISS A POST! Join the Costco East Facebook group to get updated whenever I make a new post! https://www.facebook.com/costcoeast/.
ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here! https://www.instagram.com/costco_east_fan_blog/
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Well we made it through another weekend intact folks and right back to my favorite day of the week!
They aren’t practicing the best social distancing, but it’s close-ish… They want to hug, but they know they can’t. And probably Elaine’s mouth wide open isn’t good either. Anyhow.
Just scanning through the Costco flyer sales this week and I noticed first off that Charmin Toilet paper is on sale for $5.00 off… I imagine that will be a hot seller right now! Also it seems all of these sales are valid for 4 weeks, so until May 3rd. I don’t think I’ve seen that before, but I’m assuming it has a purpose.
Speaking of sales, let’s take a little peek shall we??? (there were a lot of sales going on this week!)
That’s really just a bird’s eye view of what is on sale at Costco this week. As there were probably 30 – 40 more sales happening this week than the last 2 weeks. With that in mind, use this page to help plan your trip!
My trip this evening was great. I’m still impressed with how our Costco has been dealing with COVID-19 and the way our community has been dealing with it as well.
The staff are friendly and explaining the rules clearly and patiently. The members seem to be respecting other peoples space and the 2 meter distancing. The guy who was guiding carts to the checkouts was pleasant and made sure to be clear about where to go and what markers to stand behind. The plexiglass shield, conveyor, and debit terminal are wiped down between each customer. I felt comfortable and at ease. (Otherwise I wouldn’t be going folks, trust me) So Kudos to the Costco employees for doing a great job!
Seriously, next time you’re there make sure to thank them (from a distance), be the kind, generous Canadians we’re stereotyped to be. With so much uncertainty & bad/upsetting news everyday I think the one universal thing we can all do for each other is be kind and positive.
Speaking of positive, the Robins have been… Active.
Not the best pictures I know, sorry. (my camera seemed to think the nest was more important than the egg in the first one!) But the color of the eggs is amazing!!!
This is over the course of Friday – Sunday. Busy little lady! (I suspect we’ll be using the back door quite frequently this summer because of this…)
As most of you know we’ve been taking walks every day to stay active and get outside and have made friends with some local cows… I suggested naming one Kirk (as in Kirkland) But Layla Bay suggested Scottie as another one feeding off the Pikard/Trekkie comments I made. Irony perhaps? Scottie and Kirk(land)
And what about these new friends who live across the street from Scottie and Kirk?
As soon as I got close to the fence the little calf noticed me and started walking over, this seemed to catch all of their attention and they decided to all come over and say hello!
These ones were very curious. And cute, of course.
So on that note, I’m sure you’re ready to move on the the fun stuff, the sales!
So you probably should. Stay safe, healthy, friendly and do all the things we’ve been doing. It’s making a difference!
Good night.
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing www.cocoeast.ca with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!
Thanks, just looking at what’s on sale I can see my quick in-and-out trip will cost me around $175. Had these items not been on sale I think I’d be looking at a bill in the area of $225.
Unfortunately, lots of Costco Thorncliffe Park Location staff members, including SUPERVISORS and FLOOR MANAGERS, are UNFRIENDLY, even worse, they’ve become RUDE since the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak issue started in Ontario.
I’ve had many bad customer service experiences with many of them, but I NEVER go ahead and contact the head office in case they lose their jobs.
So, I wish your local Costco Staff continues BEING amazing and friendly, and I hope everything will get back to normal and usual very soon as well as PEOPLE WILL NOT TAKE TOO LONG TO RECOVER FROM THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK. Amen!
First of all, Costco employee will not lose a job on behalf of your complain. Secondly, people are often failed to comply social distance and most of the time overlooked the instructions by Costco employees . So all of us needs to understand what is going on outside and should never compromise on each other’s health and safety. Stay safe and let people stay safe from u
Hi Khalid: That’s the location I shop at, but I haven’t been there since the COVID outbreak. For one thing, I don’t want to take the bus and subway, and also I don’t want to line up forever to get inside. I’ve always found the staff there to be very good, but I guess the stress of COVID is taking its toll on everybody. Hopefully things will settle down soon.
do you do orders up for pickups if so how do I do it. also I brought a Panasonic microvave in Nov. 2019 am having problems can I take it back to Costco St. John when this isolation over with. Thanks
Hi Janice, as I don’t actually work for Costco I don’t do orders. I know you can order online at Costco.ca though I believe they’re kind of backed up to 7-9 days for delivery
Thank you for outstanding post; lots of specials that I had to write down on today’s grocery list. I just heard on the news that some towns will limit access to their smart centers (ref to the Costco in Terrebonne QC). Furthermore, Global News has announced that 2 Costco employees in Anjou QC have tested positive for Covid-19…this may cause some uncertainty as to whether or not this warehouse will be opened today. Now, waiting on CAA to jumpstart my car as I haven’t been out since March 12th when gas prices were around $1.10/litre (glad the fuel tank is full, still). Stay safe and healthy! Thanks again for your dedication during the pandemic and looking forward in reading your weekend post.
Hi JoseeM, I read something about the 2 employees as well and wish them a speedy and full recovery. Thank you for reading and supporting, good luck with the jump start!
Hi Tim, in Kingston ON. I’ve noticed right now the best times have been around 3-3:30, and after 6:45. When I’ve gone at those times there wasn’t a line up to get in, so those are the best times (in my opinion anyhow) and I’ve felt totally safe and comfortable in the store.
As always thank you for your dedication in providing all of us with updated. Now that I have my list of items I can spend less time in the store. Always plan my trip near the end of the day, 1 hour before closing, there are typically very small line ups. Tried going early a few times and the line was extremely long, went back 1 hour before close.and there were only 5 people in front of me. Was in the store within 5 minutes. Stay healthy and safe everyone. Happy Easter to all.
Thanks for taking the time to walk the store on our behalf. As a senior I visited my local Mississauga Costco this morning. The crowds were astronomical. I thank Costco for thinking of the seniors, but sadly I recognized folks in the line who WERE NOT seniors.
I hope that in the coming days Costco will start asking for identification and start shaming the younger folks who are exploiting this kindness from Costco to its seniors.
Hi Joan, It’s a shame indeed that people aren’t respectful of those restrictions. I’m sure it won’t be long before Costco adjusts how they screen people at those hours.
Thank you for reading, stay safe and healthy!
First and foremost, thank you so much for doing this, it really helps me limit any unnecessary trips to Costco since I try to only go when items I need are on sale. I noticed there was not an image of the Softsoap, may I assume this item was not in stock at your location?
Hi Eric, thank you very much!
There were 3 or 4 of the 2 packs left, but unfortunately they were on an endcap near the front of the line and I couldn’t get a picture of them without violating the social distancing protocol…
Hi there! I am sooo jealous of you going to Costco! I’m in my 5th week of not stepping a foot in mine and the withdrawal pain is almost real lol. I know my weaknesses and that I couldn’t be trusted to not spend at least an hour there checking out all the new clothes and generally running willy nilly up and down the aisles.
So much appreciation to you for letting me live vicariously through your shopping excursions.
Stay safe & sane out there eh?!
Haha, thank you Jan. Always good to hear from you! I’m glad you can live vicariously through my posts, and I can’t wait until we can both go running up and down the aisles all “willy nilly”…. That sounds like a dream right about now.
Hi Lana, my husband bought that product at our Burlington warehouse. The rags are considered disposable but he said he gets more uses than that.
I don’t know if’ it’s available at all locations or all the time.
Thank you , I look forward to your post every week . Unfortunately all the items are not on in Nl. for whatever reason . I have gone there on several occasions to purchase them with no luck ! Keep up your great work . Thanks Carol! Happy Easter and Stay Safe
Thanks, just looking at what’s on sale I can see my quick in-and-out trip will cost me around $175. Had these items not been on sale I think I’d be looking at a bill in the area of $225.
That’s a great way to plan ahead Wayne! Thank you for reading and commenting!
Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, lots of Costco Thorncliffe Park Location staff members, including SUPERVISORS and FLOOR MANAGERS, are UNFRIENDLY, even worse, they’ve become RUDE since the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak issue started in Ontario.
I’ve had many bad customer service experiences with many of them, but I NEVER go ahead and contact the head office in case they lose their jobs.
So, I wish your local Costco Staff continues BEING amazing and friendly, and I hope everything will get back to normal and usual very soon as well as PEOPLE WILL NOT TAKE TOO LONG TO RECOVER FROM THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK. Amen!
Stay safe and take care!
First of all, Costco employee will not lose a job on behalf of your complain. Secondly, people are often failed to comply social distance and most of the time overlooked the instructions by Costco employees . So all of us needs to understand what is going on outside and should never compromise on each other’s health and safety. Stay safe and let people stay safe from u
Hi Khalid: That’s the location I shop at, but I haven’t been there since the COVID outbreak. For one thing, I don’t want to take the bus and subway, and also I don’t want to line up forever to get inside. I’ve always found the staff there to be very good, but I guess the stress of COVID is taking its toll on everybody. Hopefully things will settle down soon.
Thank you for this! Have you ever seen something at Costco called grab a rag? It is a box of 75 white rags that come out like tissues. Thanks!
Hi Lana, I think I have seen those in the automotive section… Though I don’t recall seeing them this week. Thank you for reading!
do you do orders up for pickups if so how do I do it. also I brought a Panasonic microvave in Nov. 2019 am having problems can I take it back to Costco St. John when this isolation over with. Thanks
Hi Janice, as I don’t actually work for Costco I don’t do orders. I know you can order online at Costco.ca though I believe they’re kind of backed up to 7-9 days for delivery
A heads up for seniors: Most Costco locations have a seniors/disabilities hour 8-9am Tuesday-Thursday
Yes they do, thank you Robin! There is also home delivery options available at costco.ca
Thank you for outstanding post; lots of specials that I had to write down on today’s grocery list. I just heard on the news that some towns will limit access to their smart centers (ref to the Costco in Terrebonne QC). Furthermore, Global News has announced that 2 Costco employees in Anjou QC have tested positive for Covid-19…this may cause some uncertainty as to whether or not this warehouse will be opened today. Now, waiting on CAA to jumpstart my car as I haven’t been out since March 12th when gas prices were around $1.10/litre (glad the fuel tank is full, still). Stay safe and healthy! Thanks again for your dedication during the pandemic and looking forward in reading your weekend post.
Hi JoseeM, I read something about the 2 employees as well and wish them a speedy and full recovery. Thank you for reading and supporting, good luck with the jump start!
Thanks again for your updates, always glad to see them. Have a good week!
You’re welcome, thank you for reading and supporting Brian!
Just wondering at your location have you noticed a good time to go or is it crowded all the time. I live in the area
Hi Tim, in Kingston ON. I’ve noticed right now the best times have been around 3-3:30, and after 6:45. When I’ve gone at those times there wasn’t a line up to get in, so those are the best times (in my opinion anyhow) and I’ve felt totally safe and comfortable in the store.
As always thank you for your dedication in providing all of us with updated. Now that I have my list of items I can spend less time in the store. Always plan my trip near the end of the day, 1 hour before closing, there are typically very small line ups. Tried going early a few times and the line was extremely long, went back 1 hour before close.and there were only 5 people in front of me. Was in the store within 5 minutes. Stay healthy and safe everyone. Happy Easter to all.

Hi Toni, I agree I always go after 6:30 nowadays… Never a line-up, quiet and peaceful. Thank you for reading and supporting, stay safe and healthy!
Thanks for taking the time to walk the store on our behalf. As a senior I visited my local Mississauga Costco this morning. The crowds were astronomical. I thank Costco for thinking of the seniors, but sadly I recognized folks in the line who WERE NOT seniors.
I hope that in the coming days Costco will start asking for identification and start shaming the younger folks who are exploiting this kindness from Costco to its seniors.
Hi Joan, It’s a shame indeed that people aren’t respectful of those restrictions. I’m sure it won’t be long before Costco adjusts how they screen people at those hours.
Thank you for reading, stay safe and healthy!
Thank you very much.
No problem
Hey, that’s my line Daniel!
You’re welcome Ester, thank you for reading and supporting! Stay safe and healthy!
First and foremost, thank you so much for doing this, it really helps me limit any unnecessary trips to Costco since I try to only go when items I need are on sale. I noticed there was not an image of the Softsoap, may I assume this item was not in stock at your location?
Hi Eric, thank you very much!
There were 3 or 4 of the 2 packs left, but unfortunately they were on an endcap near the front of the line and I couldn’t get a picture of them without violating the social distancing protocol…
Thank you for pointing out the extended end date for the specials! Love your posts every week.
Thank you for reading Mary R.
Hi there! I am sooo jealous of you going to Costco! I’m in my 5th week of not stepping a foot in mine and the withdrawal pain is almost real lol. I know my weaknesses and that I couldn’t be trusted to not spend at least an hour there checking out all the new clothes and generally running willy nilly up and down the aisles.
So much appreciation to you for letting me live vicariously through your shopping excursions.
Stay safe & sane out there eh?!
Haha, thank you Jan. Always good to hear from you! I’m glad you can live vicariously through my posts, and I can’t wait until we can both go running up and down the aisles all “willy nilly”…. That sounds like a dream right about now.
Ditto Jan in Waterdown’s comment. We miss our weekly visit. Wash your hands. Stay safe!
Thank you Tim and Wendy, Stay safe and healthy and one of these days we’ll get back to our bi-weekly Costco visits!
Hi Lana, my husband bought that product at our Burlington warehouse. The rags are considered disposable but he said he gets more uses than that.
I don’t know if’ it’s available at all locations or all the time.
Thank you. Just saw that costco.ca has perennial garden bulbs on sale starting April 8. 75 bulbs for 47.99
That’s great ilon, thanks for sharing the info with everyone!
Thank you , I look forward to your post every week . Unfortunately all the items are not on in Nl. for whatever reason . I have gone there on several occasions to purchase them with no luck ! Keep up your great work . Thanks Carol! Happy Easter and Stay Safe
Thank you Carol, take care out on the East coast, and stay safe and healthy!