I walk the whole store for you every Monday when Costco Sale items and Costco Flyer sales are released for the week, then post them here and on our Facebook page.
Want to see what might be on sale next week??? Click the picture below to see what was on sale last year at Costco!
NEVER MISS A POST! Join the Costco East Facebook group to get updated whenever I make a new post! https://www.facebook.com/costcoeast/.
ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here! https://www.instagram.com/costco_east_fan_blog/
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Hopefully all of you reading from the East coast are all OK! While we got some snow here in Ontario, it’s nothing like what you all got out there so hopefully you’re all doing well!
At least as well as Dexter anyhow…
He couldn’t be happier curled up in his cardboard “barrel” with all his little catnip pillows (he’s sitting on them)
As comfy as he is, we did get a lot of snow in Southeastern Ontario which led to some of our local squirrels digging tunnels in the snow to get to our bird feeders.
This made for great breakfast entertainment as you could see them popping up and down from the little tunnel network they had made to get from the treeline, to the shed, to the feeders… It was like watching a game of whak-a-mole only with no moles, and no whacking there-of.
In no direct relation to that, this is a great time to quit smoking! Costco seems to package all of their Nicorette sales together so if you’re looking to quit, or just cut back a bit and need a little help (Trust me it took me & my partner a long time) this is the time to get stocked up and ready to tackle the monumental task!
It takes a lot to quit smoking. It took me a lot to finally quit, and without preaching I can honestly say it’s the best thing I’ve done. So let’s move on.
Headaches came along with the aforementioned activity and Tylenol always helped, be it Tylenol Complete (60 caps) for $4.00 off @ 13.99 or my preferred brand Kirkland signature acetaminophen 500mg for $3.00 off @ $9.99, at that price you can’t go wrong to be prepared for the muscle and headaches. (plus I always bring a big ol bag of them to the restaurant to help servers “recover” from long nights and early mornings.
Another little gem I like to bring to work with me is the Wholly Guacamole minis (12 x 57g) on sale for $9.99. I’ll grab these whenever they’re on sale and bring a box to work so I can have a quick little snack (which is a rarity in the service industry, that could be a whole other blog… How the heck do servers/bartenders/cooks survive?)
That brings me towards the end, but also something I’ve been thinking about and trying to do lately.
Trying to keep track of my days at work… Ya know, a quick little write up of what happened, who I met, who screwed up an order, what I screwed up (rare, but it happens!) … Just keeping a daily write-up of the insanity that happens in a restaurant.
For a long time I’ve neglected the fact that I meet a lot of different people from all over the place who all have different stories, and I get to meet them and share a few hours with them at my bar. That’s what I love about the industry, you meet people from all over the world that you would never meet anywhere else, and they love to talk; and I love to listen.
I think anyone who worked in the restaurant industry could write a book, and anyone who did/does I’ll read it! Like Anthony Bourdain, the good, the bad, and the ugly of the kitchen & restaurant is highly entertaining to me. I could sip coffee and watch or read about it all day.
On that note it’s time to go, the restaurant requires I be there in the A.M. so… Night night!
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing www.cocoeast.ca with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!
Costco Flyer Sales Jan 20th – 26th 2020
Costco Kingston Meat Department sales Jan 20th 2020
I was at Costco South London last night. They had a bunch of new markdowns as well. Especially in the glassware cabinets. All the Pandora charms/bracelets were all .97 from 14.97-27.97. I grabbed the rose gold Acorn & Leaf (it was only released in the fall, I know cuz hubby bought me the ring necklace that it was showcased on for our Anniversary and it was just out then). And all of the Le Creuset pans/dishes as well, amazing prices if you compare to Le Creuset’s website. For instance the 7L Chef’s French Oven is $159.97 at Costco and $495 at LC. Start the CAR!!
Look forward to your posts every week! However, did not receive one today!
I even checked my junk mail! Luckily, I had found an old one back in my mail so was able to retrieve this week’s specials. Just wondered if something went wrong?
Thank you!
Hi Ingrid, I’ve bookmarked “cocoeast.ca” on my iPhone so that I can just go to it directly every Tuesday morning and not worry about whether I get the email notifications or not.
Hello Ingrid, I think the email notification got sent out later than usual. Either way the post will go up every week so you can just head over to the http://www.cocoeast.ca website and check it out anytime!
Tuesday is now our regular Costco shopping day. We always check your post first . Thanks for saving us time and money, and for sharing your lovely home life.
Thank you very much for your posts!
Your work is highly appreciated.. Have a great time!
Thank you Khalid, I’m glad you enjoy!
Would I be able to ask if the adult snow pants will be going on sale anytime soon?
Hey Brittany, usually the snow pants go on sale sometime after summer.
so you did 2 posts yesterday?! oh my goodness!
More items to add to my list!
Thanks you!!
2 posts last week, not in one day!
oh and I LOVE the gif of the kitten!! I may need to make something like that for my guy, he would go nuts!!
thank you so much for all the work… ive been looking for the pizza pops but i can never find them. im losing hope…..
Don’t lose hope Laura, have you tried asking one of the staff if they can help you? Maybe at another close-by location?
I was at Costco South London last night. They had a bunch of new markdowns as well. Especially in the glassware cabinets. All the Pandora charms/bracelets were all .97 from 14.97-27.97. I grabbed the rose gold Acorn & Leaf (it was only released in the fall, I know cuz hubby bought me the ring necklace that it was showcased on for our Anniversary and it was just out then). And all of the Le Creuset pans/dishes as well, amazing prices if you compare to Le Creuset’s website. For instance the 7L Chef’s French Oven is $159.97 at Costco and $495 at LC. Start the CAR!!
Thank you Mariah for the update! Start the car indeed
Look forward to your posts every week! However, did not receive one today!
I even checked my junk mail! Luckily, I had found an old one back in my mail so was able to retrieve this week’s specials. Just wondered if something went wrong?
Thank you!
Hi Ingrid, I’ve bookmarked “cocoeast.ca” on my iPhone so that I can just go to it directly every Tuesday morning and not worry about whether I get the email notifications or not.
Hello Ingrid, I think the email notification got sent out later than usual. Either way the post will go up every week so you can just head over to the http://www.cocoeast.ca website and check it out anytime!
thank you for your hard work.
You’re welcome Catherine, thank you for reading and supporting!
Let me know when the Kirkland Infant Formula comes on sale… I think its an annual or twice a year sale for that… last time was March 2019 right?
Hey Jeremy, They should be coming up at some point soon. Make sure you check the archives to see when that may be approaching!
I see Quality Street chocolates listed here Anyone know if Dartmouth still had them
Happy New Year and thanks for all your hard work
Thank you so much. Look forward to your posts every week.
Tuesday is now our regular Costco shopping day. We always check your post first
. Thanks for saving us time and money, and for sharing your lovely home life.
I have a question for you, can you contact me please?
Thank you