
Crofters Organic Premium Peach Spread Review

Last week on the blog I reviewed the Costco Sunrise Farms Buffalo Style Chicken Wings, Costco Hankook Original Kimchi and Costco Le Chic Patisserie French Macarons.

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When it comes to jam I generally stick to raspberry or strawberry but this Crofter’s Peach Spread from Costco has caught my eye the last few visits so I picked it up to try and review.

I paid $6.49 Canadian for the 660-milliliter jar of peach spread, which isn’t bad considering it’s organic and how large of a jar of jam it is.

The spread needs to be kept refrigerated after opening and the best before date is about 14 months from when I purchased it. I don’t recommend using this for peanut butter and jam sandwiches because the peanut butter will completely overpower the peach flavor but I think it’s great for scones, tea biscuits and toast.

One tablespoon of spread is 30 calories, zero grams of fat, eight grams of carbohydrates, zero grams of fibre, seven grams of sugar, less than a gram of protein and five milligrams of sodium. The ingredients list is short and sweet with organic peaches as the main ingredients. I use about a tablespoon and a half on a piece of toast which isn’t a ton of calories or fat but is a decent amount of sugar. The jar states it had 33% less sugar than a jam and 50% fruit content.

The first thing I noticed was the sweetness of the spread. It’s not unpleasantly sweet, but you notice the sweetness more than the peach flavor. The peach flavor is there, but it’s quite mild. I actually had to add extra spread on my toast to really notice it.

I really enjoyed the combination of the spread with the fairly generous amount of butter I had on my toast. The sweetness of the spread and the richness of the butter went together well. I’m not sure I’ll switch from being a raspberry or strawberry jam person to a peach spread person, but I did enjoy trying it.
Cost: 8/10
Convenience: 10/10
Nutrition: 2/10 Points for the organic peaches being the first ingredient.
Taste: 7/10



Written by Natalie


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  1. Peach jam is my absolute favourite (step aside strawberry…), and this one is really good. Lots of peachy flavour.

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