Welcome to the Costco Weekend Sales Update where I’ll keep you all in the loop on the awesome sales Costco releases for the Weekend! I’ll post them here and on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.
Welcome to the weekend update everybody!
It would appear the Costco gods were listening (or reading the last blog!) as we were lamenting the fact hat the Bright pink metal flamingos weren’t considered “essential”, I do believe bothe my Mom and Jan in Waterdown agreed they were. And looky what appeared in the Costco Garden Centre today!
There you have it folks, maybe we can convince them that bed sheets are essential now too? And socks, I need some new socks! (focus really hard on these folks, let’s see if it works.)
Speaking of the garden center Costco had placed a bulletin board in the entrance of the main warehouse listing all the items available in the garden center and the prices.
I thought that was kinda cool, figure out ahead of time if there’s anything new that you may need.
I know I’ll be needing that OFF! powered mosquito lamp 2 pack.
We used 1 of those last year and found that it worked really well, so 2 should be (in theory) twice as effective?
MWA-HA-HA, I’ll show you pesky little mozzies who’s boss!
Right, I’m gonna go calm myself down while you take a look at some sales.
Anti-Fog cloths 10 pack -$5.00 @ $14.99
Tostitos medium salsa 2 x 1.21L -$2.00 @ $6.99
Mr.Freeze jumbo freeze pop pack of 70 -$3.00 @ $9.99
Bridor Baguettes 20 x 150g -$2.90 @ $8.99
Caltrate plus calcium suppliment 176 tablets -$5.00 @ $16.99
OK, we’re back.
Dianne the Flower lady pointed out that the Pure Vanilla extract has dropped in price and is now available for $19.99 for the 473ml bottle and that is a great deal for pure vanilla.
So for all you newly minted baking masters out there, I’d say dive in!
This also marks the first time in what feels like years that I’ve seen a full end cap display of…
Yes Lysol wipes.
It wasn’t too long ago that people were trying to get these things like Hans Gruber was trying to get bird seed outta the squirrel proof feeder yesterday!
He put on a good show, and it was more entertaining to watch than people fighting over Lysol wipes or toilet paper that is for certain.
Well I’m gonna call it here, tomorrow is a big day as I’m booked into a pop up clinic to get my first Vaccine folks!!!
I was on the waiting list at Costco, but as I fit the criteria for the group 2 essential workers AND I got a heads up about this clinic I jumped on it! So next time you hear from me hopefully I’ll just have a sore arm and no other side effects… (fingers crossed!)
And with that, happy shopping, happy weekend and just be happy in general!
Stay safe and I’ll see you soon folks.
Here’s some great news for those of you who are 40 & above and looking to get your first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine! You’re able to book an appointment now to get it at select Costco pharmacies! (Click this link to go to the booking page)
Since we are in the third wave of COVID-19 I think it’s important to remember that we’re not out of the corona virus weeds yet, and each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province. Information can be found at the following websites.
Newfoundland COVID-19 information
New Brunswick COVID-19 information
Nova Scotia COVID-19 information
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates: https://www.costco.ca/coronavirus-response.html
So there you go, a little reading material for you.
Be kind, be safe and stay healthy!
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
Costco Flyer Sales
Costco Weekend Update sales

Thanks for the update, always appreciated.
Congrats on the vaccine shot, welcome to the club!
Thanks for this! So great you added pics of some plants. Good Luck w/your vaxx. Stay Safe.
Get some rest after you vaccinated. Drink a lot water. You will be fine. I had sore arm for 2 days and no side effects. Good luck Dear!
Oh wow all the garden stuff looks very enticing!
Soooo how many pairs of pink birds will be enjoying your yard??? 🐿 +🦩= 📷 lol
Congrats on the vaxx! Did you do a little happy dance?
Thanks for your efforts and enjoy your 😎weekend (& this glorious weather!).
Stay safe ‘n’ sane eh?, Jan
Love your newsletter! Love the flamingos too, 🤣🤣🤣!
Thank you Costco for realizing that flamingos are an essential part of living . At least for me . Lol .
I’m so happy to hear you are getting the Covid vaccine today . Happy day indeed.
Thanks for everything.
Congratulations for the first jab. Stay safe