Welcome to the Costco Weekend Sales Update where I’ll keep you all in the loop on the awesome sales Costco releases for the Weekend! I’ll post them here and on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.
Just in case you needed more evidence that better times are ahead of us folks, I encountered this on my way into Costco this morning.
This is of course very exciting, and I think some of you guys & gals actually had your garden centers open before ours so, lucky you!
I did the full walkthrough and grabbed just a few things.I mean when they have all the pansies out how can you resist a few right?
After a long & dull winter it’s nice to see some bright vibrant colors on the porch!
They do have the flats of 24 pansies available right now as well in a variety of colors but I just went with a couple small pots for now. And one of those giant bags of Promix for the vegetable garden.
Most of you know I’m a fan of Ramen, so when I strolled past them today I noticed Costco re-introduced the Nongshim spicy Kimchi soup.
Usually it doesn’t take more than Kimchi to get my attention & I do remember seeing these before, but today I snagged a box. Something about salty savory broth with Kimchi flavors and noodles…. Well it made my mouth water thinking about it!
(Scooby is always a reliable source of tasty foods)
After grabbing this I looked at the others and though, “well I haven’t tried these others accept the Tonkotsu ramen” So I thought maybe some of you have tried them and would like to offer your opinions?
A-Sha Tainen style noodle 12 x 95 g $11.99
Ho-Ya golden chicken ramen 12 x 70 g $9.99
Ho-Ya rice noodle Pho bowl 12 x 70 g $9.99
Nongshim Tonkotsu ramen 6 x 101 g $13.99
Nongshim Spicy kimchi soup 12 x 86 g $9.99
And since the comments are live now, you can all see them!
I really did enjoy the flavor of the Nongshim Tonkotsu ramen, though I found the noodle texture was a little chewy. Not necessarily a bad thing, maybe I didn’t cook them long enough???
I’ll stop noodling around and show you a quickie of some new sales this weekend.
Fontaine Sante caramelized onion hummus 2 x 463g -$2.00 @ $4.49
Schnieders juicy jumbos weiners 2 x 900g -$3.00 @ $9.99
Pillar’s turkey breast 3 x 250g -$3.00 @ $9.99
Motza stix mozzerlla sticks 1.47kg -$3.00 @ $11.99
Keter Grande deck box 624L -$35.00 @ $129.99
Speaking of hungry, it appears that “someone” has been nibbling on my newly sprouted allium!!!
I’m going to hope and pray that it’s not Hans Gruber doing this, but some nefarious waskily wabbit…
I’m guessing I should be putting cages around these until they’re grown a little more, right?
Aside from the Allium (and perhaps a few tulip sprouts) Things are coming up fast in the last week folks.
Daffodils are either blooming or still popping up, and out little purple Iris’ are making their presence known too… Again, those pops of color are encouraging and welcomed around here!
Thank you all again for being patient as we continue to make fixes to the new websites. I know that it can be frustrating when some feature don’t work quite properly but as I’ve said we are working on it!
The goal here is to make this a cleaner & more user friendly site (with some extra features down the road) and I think we’ve accomplished that. I know it was frustrating when the comments were disabled but hey, they’re working now!
So please comment away folks, as always I look forward to hearing from you.
And I think that’s where we call it a night folks.
Enjoy the sales and new items & enjoy your weekends.
Cheers, G’night.
Here’s some great news for those of you who are 60 & above and looking to get your first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine! You’re able to book an appointment now to get it at select Costco pharmacies! Right now it’s only at 6 Costco locations in Ontario but it’s something! (Click this link to go to the booking page)
Since we are in the third wave of COVID-19 I think it’s important to remember that we’re not out of the corona virus weeds yet, and each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province. Information can be found at the following websites.
Newfoundland COVID-19 information
New Brunswick COVID-19 information
Nova Scotia COVID-19 information
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates: https://www.costco.ca/coronavirus-response.html
So there you go, a little reading material for you.
Be kind, be safe and stay healthy!
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
Costco Weekend Update sales April 16th – 18th 2021

For anyone interested I was in Costco north in London ON and they have the stagg chili Silverado at 6.97 for a 6pk case sporting the asterisk on the sign. Cheapest I’ve ever seen it anywhere and it’s great to use for nachos.
I love that Chili, though I think the dynamite hot is better this one is still delicious! I usually dip tortillas of nacho chips in it but putting it on top of chips makes sense too. Great call Garry!
I’m so happy to see the spicy bowl noodle soup. It is the favourite around here. I hope our warehouse gets it back. We’ve been waiting for months. Tried the others and they’re ok, but not as good IMO. The Tonkatsu is crazy expensive compared to the others.
It is more expensive for sure, I’m wondering why? Quality wise perhaps??? I really wanted to try the Kimchi one when it was here before so I’m excited to dive into it now!
Thanks for the comment Ruth, stay safe!
Tonkotsu noodle cups are fantastic!
Agreed Liz!
What is your new website link?
Same as always Dan, cocoeast.ca
Hi! Thanks for your response to my last post…. I have since posted an “open letter” review on Google for the Burlington Costco. I doubt it will accomplish much, but even if only a few folks think twice before taking out their frustrations on a frontline worker, maybe that will help a bit. It’s easy to be nice to the friendly staff, I’m going to challenge myself to be nice to the rude ones too…. not so easy lol!
A previous commenter asked about the current limited time offers that expire on May 2. I’ve noticed that some of those items are available on Costco.ca at a reduced price too but higher overall, of course, than the warehouse due to shipping costs. If there’s something she really wants, that may be a possible option.
Cheers to all and thanks a bunch!
Stay safe ‘n’ sane, Jan
Hey there…. I posted a comment about an hour ago but it seems to have gone into that big black hole along with some previous ones 🙄 wonder what I’m doing wrong?
Hey Jan, it’s all good. I have to approve some of them before they go live, but normally I don’t have to approve yours… Maybe something to do with the new site?
Oh cool…. good to know 👍
Had the Tonkatsu and love it for when ice fishing – thermos of hot water makes it a warm treat.
Tried the A-sha noodles this past week. Didn’t realize it was a dry sauce and turned it into a watery broth. Will try again as a dry noodle dish.
Yep the Tonkatsu bowl is a favorite in this house.
Stay safe, stay kind and thanks .