Welcome to the Costco Weekend Sales Update where I’ll keep you all in the loop on the awesome sales Costco releases for the Weekend! I’ll post them here and on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.
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Ah the weekend is upon us again, and so are the fresh batch of Costco weekend sales and new items for us all to enjoy.
Thank you all for the advice and information on printers. It has been a while since we’ve bought a new one so things like the ink subscription service are new to me!
I think an all around printer is what we need, something that has a scanner and great picture quality. Speed isn’t really an issue for us, but the ability to print color is so I guess laser printers are out of the question for now.
The search continues!
And on that note here’s a few of the sales from this weekends hunt.
Kirkland Signature chewable vitamin C 500 mg 500’s -$3.00 @ $9.99
Post Honey Bunches of Oats 1.4kg -$2.30 @ $6.69
RW Garcia sweet potato crackers 680g -$2.00 @ $6.69
Iceburg summer fun pack 36 x 75ml -$2.00 @ $7.99
Webber Genesis II BBQ cover -$20.00 @ $49.99
LG 4K smart nanocell 55″ class TV -$200.00 @ $989.99
Goodearth outdoor wall lantern, LED -$8.00 @ $29.99
Dr. Praeger’s California burger (12 x 99g) are on sale for $3.00 off @ $10.99
We like these ones, but they’re more like veggie patties than “burgers”. So if you’re picky about textures these one’s may not be for you. The Yves veggie burgers and the SOL extreme grillers are more likely to be up your alley as they’re more like traditional burgers.
Either way you go, a classic ace bakery burger bun is the best bun to use. Period!
Costco had some nice little tropical plants in the aisles today in 6-inch pots for $9.99
They also had some crazy and large ones!
Now I don’t know if you can tell by the picture, but they’re big! I’m tall, (over 6 feet) and I was looking up at this thing… They’re beautiful though, so if you have the space why not! $89.99 may be a little much for a tropical plant though and Ficus plants can be a little temperamental so you may want to read the care instructions before committing to it.
Oh and something else new today, a potentially dangerous product.
By now you all know my love for Cheetos, so you should also be able to guess this is a dangerous situation to be in… As I do love Mac ‘n cheese as well.
Now messing with the classic KD is no easy task, but if anyone is gonna take that challenge it’ll be Chester the Cheetah. Anyone tried these yet?
My other more serious worry is that eventually these are going to appear and then I’d lose all control.
I just… It’s one of my biggest weak spot snacks, combined with my love of this spicy, combined with my love of the comfort food of good ‘ol Kraft Dinner. Can 2 exist at the same time, yes. But can all three co-exist together in the same space and still be good??? That remains to be seen, and I kind of hope that product takes a while to reach me as I’m not sure I’m ready for that.
What I am ready for though, is bed.
Night, night folks.
Enjoy the weekend sales, and as always I’ll see you on Monday!
COVID-19 vaccinations are ramping up across Eastern Canada, follow the links below to find out if you’re eligible and where they are available in your Province.
Newfoundland & Labrador
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Since we are still in the third wave of COVID-19 I think it’s important to remember that we’re not out of the corona virus weeds yet, and each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province. Information can be found at the following websites.
Newfoundland COVID-19 information
New Brunswick COVID-19 information
Nova Scotia COVID-19 information
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates: https://www.costco.ca/coronavirus-response.html
So there you go, a little reading material for you.
Be kind, be safe and stay healthy!
Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.
If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.
***This is a fan run, independent page with no affiliation or endorsement by Costco Wholesale***
Costco Flyer Sales
Costco Weekend Update sales

Thank you
Quite frankly, I’m rather surprised that Costco is selling those ficus trees, they are very fussy. Should we have a few wagers on when folks will start bringing them back half dead for a refund!? I’ve seen people standing in the return line holding hanging baskets with totally brown plants and it takes every bit of my limited willpower to not say “hey, numnuts, ya gotta WATER those puppies!!” I’d last about 2 minutes in that job 🙄.
Anyhooo, thanks for what you dooo 😁!
Cheers and chill, Jan
I bought one of those hanging plants, watered it. But It still died. I said to myself “omg I know how to take care of a plant.!!” I pruned it and in a few days it came back to life. Did I want to return it? I was tempted but I decided not to. You can bring almost any plant back to life with care.
Hi Jan,
Yes, I would do the same when seeing someone is returning a plant or cake after eating half of it!
I think Costco should update its return policy, especially for plants and roses; as some people take advantage of that and never be honest with themselves before others and do return those products.
Responsibility and honesty can NEVER be purchased!
Have a great day!
While I can admit I have done the same, I did actually return a ‘plant’ last month. Last fall I bought a package of 4 bulbs for $26, only one came up and it died shortly after.
I am a gardener and know occasionally one bulb might not come up, but when 3 out of 4 didn’t, I became one of those that I’ve laughed at in the past.
Thank you very much!
Enjoy your weekend 🙂