Your blog is very helpful and greatly appreciated.
I often use it to make my Costco list based on what is on sale that we use regularly and are almost out off.
I do understand your disclaimer that this is what you saw in your Costco in Kingston.
Your intel is usually dead-on with the Niagara Costco , but today there was a miss.
The costco cheese pizza 4 pack was not on sale in Niagara.
I am not volunteering, but you need some partners out and about at other Costcos :
Your blog is very helpful and greatly appreciated.
I often use it to make my Costco list based on what is on sale that we use regularly and are almost out off.
I do understand your disclaimer that this is what you saw in your Costco in Kingston.
Your intel is usually dead-on with the Niagara Costco , but today there was a miss.
The costco cheese pizza 4 pack was not on sale in Niagara.
I am not volunteering, but you need some partners out and about at other Costcos :
Again, I really appreciate what you do, Thanks