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Costco Canada East Secret Sale Items – Dec 24th – Dec 31st 2018/2019!!! – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada

I walk the whole store for you every Monday when Costco’s Secret Sale items are released for the week, then post them here and on our facebook page.

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ALSO you can come and see my Instagram feed with Pics of my weekly Costco shopping trips, Dexter and Ewok being lazy cats and pictures of things that I have cooked with anything I’ve purchased at Costco. You can find that here!

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Well folks, the night is upon us. I hope all your stockings are hung by the chimney with care with hopes that a big ‘ol glass of wine soon will be there. (Some of us may be there already!)

We arrived in Barrie on Sunday evening and had a nice relaxing evening with the family. Dinner, drinks and good conversation… Perhaps a drink too many??? I don’t know, opening the evening with bubbly seems like an invitation to a fun filled night!

We all woke up relatively early this morning, (surprisingly unscathed!) and talked over coffee until about 10am at which point we made the trek to the Barrie Costco and all the horrors and insanity I expected Christmas eve day shopping to bring…

…I had gone into that trip expecting the place to be an absolute zoo (being Christmas eve and all), however much to my wondering eyes did appear not a super crowded super crazy Monday afternoon at Costco! I figured everyone would be there doing last minute shopping like maniacs…. nope! I had a nice leisurely stroll around the store looking for Brussels sprouts and carrots (I also had a small list for the father-in-law) that we needed for our Boxing day family dinner. (we volunteered for the vegetable dish) I’ve been in that Costco before briefly so I sort of knew my way around, but as I said last time, it took a minute or two to get my bearings and establish my route… Always odd to do things backwards in a different place. Once we got back home we had a nice lunch with an old family friend (courtesy of a Tourtiere from Costco, sauteed red cabbage/onions/apples, peas and potatoes. Delicious!) I was trying to not go overboard with lunch though as we have our usual Christmas eve gathering here involving snacks and food and beverages all evening. (We brought homemade borscht and Ukrainian fried cabbage for perogies) There will be lots of cheese, cured meats, soup, perogies, salads, pickles, olives…..phew! I can’t wait!!! And I’m sure I’ll be paying for it tomorrow but hey, thats ok, I plan on sleeping in (as does everyone else I assume) because it’s Christmas after all.

(Fast forward to the end of the night…)

As it is Christmas eve, I’m going to keep this post brief. Scrooged is cued up, and well… I guess Santa will be here soon. Better get the milk and cookies… And Santa has a stocking to hang still. So I’d best be off.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


Please note:
The price at your local Costco takes precedent (or precedence) over the prices listed on this blog.
Costco liquidation/Manager’s Special items (ending in .97) vary from store to store.
An asterisk (*) on the price tag means the item is not being re-ordered.

If there is something you really want, ***double check the expiry date*** as some Costco sales items do end mid-week.

The food brands available can differ from region to region. Pictures are taken at a store in Ontario. Sale items should apply to Costco locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Nova Scotia, if the item is in stock at your store. There will likely be a few deals not shown here in your store. If this blog has helped you save money, consider sharing with your friends and family! If you see deals at your store that aren’t on this blog, post them in the comments and help spread the money saving love!


Written by Costco East


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  1. Thanks for taking the time to do this for us at this busy time of year. Merry Christmas to you and yours

    • Merry Christmas to you too Cecile! It’s my pleasure to do this, I’m glad you enjoy it!

    • Thank you very much Fatema, and Merry Christmas to you too! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    • Haha, well you’re welcome Joyce! I hope you get some great deals here as well, and save a great deal of time too! Merry Christmas!

    • Well a very big Thank you right back atcha! Merry Christmas!

    • You’re welcome Higo! Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you as well!

    • Well… The lobster legs are a little spindly. haha!

    • Lmao! I noticed that toooo! Hilarious! Who knew?

    • Thank you Syed! I’m glad you enjoy and thank you very much for your support!

  2. Thanks for making the trek on Christmas Eve and I’m glad it wasn’t a horror show . lol
    Your holiday meal plan sounds delish. I’m hoping you share some recipes in 2019 to keep us all encouraged and excited about food and cooking.
    I have really enjoying following you in 2018.
    Happy New Year to you and the whole family, kitties included of course.

    • Haha, I’m glad it wasn’t either! I hope to make more of an effort to include recipes and photos of them in the new year, something to aim for at least. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you too!

  3. Happy happy Boxing Day…. my personal fave holiday! Thank you, thank you for alllll you do! ?

    • Hey Jan!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you’ve had a great holiday so far and hope you survived boxing day, I survived the family dinner though probably gained a few pounds… Whoops! Oh well! Nice to hear from you, keep enjoying the holiday and I’ll look forward to hearing from you in 2019!!!

      • Hey back (again)! Just want to ask your opinion of that tourtiere? Was it the “PG” one in a box? I want to try it but wondered if it would be commercial tasting…. thanks ?

  4. I look for a nintendo switch bundle (console + case + game). This bundle was at 280$ at costco (Quebec) in sprint 2018 instead of 480$. Unfortunately i missed this sold :(.

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Costco Canada East Secret Sale Items – Dec 17th – Dec 24th 2018 – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada

Costco Canada East Secret Sale Items – Dec 26th – BOXING DAY – Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada