Hello Everyone! Happy Canada day weekend!

I hope your weeks have been good and hope your weekends are filled with wonderful plans full of lakes, cottages, B.B.Q. and… well, fun!
As a heads up I thought I’d post the holiday hours for you to plan for tomorrow etc.
Quebec’s National Holiday
Sunday, June 24 OPEN
Province of Quebec
Canada Day
Sunday, July 1 OPEN
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec
Canada Day
Monday, July 2 OPEN
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan
If you plan on shopping, please call ahead to check your local warehouse hours as you may be greeted with closed doors…
I’ll post again as usual just on Tuesday instead.
Also… Dexter not holding still for pictures.
Silly kitty… Ok, see you all on Tuesday, have a safe, fun holiday!
Just to advise that here in NB that Sobeys are open today (Canada Day) and closed tomorrow. They are not able to enjoy the day with their friends/Family who are celebrating. Why not close today as they are only open 12 – 5 and open tomorrow as usual. Everyone would get treated fair, Gov workers get all off, but not store workers.
D Gordon. It’s because Canada Day falls on the weekend. Therefore employers have to give the Monday off in lieu of. It makes sense. They can enjoy the day off on Monday or take Sunday off as a holiday if it really affects their life so badly. Next year Canada Day will fall during the week again.
And since the store is only open til 5pm, they’ll be able to catch fireworks and dinner with family and friends. Try to find the silver lining….
My husband and I love your cat pics. He wants to know if there’s part Russian blue in your cat? The colour is gorgeous.
hehe silly kitty needs a belly rub.